God’s Miracle

While in prayer this morning, the Lord revealed to me that He is performing miracles for relationships. Maybe you haven’t been successful in staying connected with friends, family and loved ones? Or perhaps you’re in a some sort of relationship that isn’t working out? Or maybe, there’s no spirit of partnership within you and so you fail at relationships in love, career or business.

When the enemy wants to attack your destiny, they will attack through relationships.  The enemy will send negative people to bring disruption and confusion between you and your spouse.
The enemy will cause sickness in the lives of family members. and poverty will strike your finance
create lack.

I know this has been bothering you for a long time. Don’t worry, your situation will change. You may still be seeking God for relationship favor, but I’ve come to declare that we are about to enter into serious prayer and declaration for happiness in relationships and marriages! A relationship miracle is locating you right now and any negative spiritual relationship connection shall be broken.

  • God will send you positive people to bring PEACE OF MIND. 
  • God will send you love and understanding between your spouses and partners.
  • God will send you healing in the lives of family members.
  • God will send you prosperity to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
  • God will send you happiness all days of your life.

Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God.

(Daniel 3:28:)

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