Online Prayer - Free Prophecy Prayer - Online Prayer Request Online Prophecy & Prayer Thu, 09 Apr 2020 00:41:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Prayer - Free Prophecy Prayer - Online Prayer Request 32 32 God’s Word Give Us Great Hope In This Global Pandemic Thu, 09 Apr 2020 00:38:54 +0000 The scripture in Romans, it gives us great hope as we move through this Global Pandemic. It states: The creature shall be delivered from bondage. As the inner light emerges, it delivers the outer...

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The scripture in Romans, it gives us great hope as we move through this Global Pandemic. It states: The creature shall be delivered from bondage. As the inner light emerges, it delivers the outer life from bondage. This is in line with the teaching that everything is from within out.

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:20-21

As we pray and allow the Holy Spirit to move through us, our souls gain freedom. When the soul knows freedom, the law will free the body, and the outer life will express health, happiness and success.

All things work for our good. Even that which we call evil is beneficial, leading us to the Way the Truth and the Life. Suffering should teach us a lesson that causes us to refrain from making more mistakes; it carries a blessing with it when we learn how to gain knowledge from experience.

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Pray without ceasing. 1Thessalonians 5:17 Thu, 09 Apr 2020 00:12:36 +0000 In these difficult times of this Global Pandemic with Coronavirus (COVID-19), 1 Thessalonians is calling upon us to “Pray without ceasing.” So, what does it mean to pray all the time? It means to...

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In these difficult times of this Global Pandemic with Coronavirus (COVID-19), 1 Thessalonians is calling upon us to “Pray without ceasing.” So, what does it mean to pray all the time? It means to be always on the positive side of life.

To pray without ceasing is never to doubt, but to always trust in the Lord your God. This inner communion is essential to the soul and natural to the mind. It is a constant recognition of that Presence in which we live and move and have our being.

17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

In everything, gives thanks. It means we must have an attitude of gratitude. How we love to do for those who co-operate with, and are grateful for, our small endeavours. An attitude of gratitude is most healthful and conveys the realization that we are in heaven.

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God’s Miracle Sat, 04 Apr 2020 01:16:23 +0000 While in prayer this morning, the Lord revealed to me that He is performing miracles for relationships. Maybe you haven’t been successful in staying connected with friends, family and loved ones? Or perhaps you’re...

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While in prayer this morning, the Lord revealed to me that He is performing miracles for relationships. Maybe you haven’t been successful in staying connected with friends, family and loved ones? Or perhaps you’re in a some sort of relationship that isn’t working out? Or maybe, there’s no spirit of partnership within you and so you fail at relationships in love, career or business.

When the enemy wants to attack your destiny, they will attack through relationships.  The enemy will send negative people to bring disruption and confusion between you and your spouse.
The enemy will cause sickness in the lives of family members. and poverty will strike your finance
create lack.

I know this has been bothering you for a long time. Don’t worry, your situation will change. You may still be seeking God for relationship favor, but I’ve come to declare that we are about to enter into serious prayer and declaration for happiness in relationships and marriages! A relationship miracle is locating you right now and any negative spiritual relationship connection shall be broken.

  • God will send you positive people to bring PEACE OF MIND. 
  • God will send you love and understanding between your spouses and partners.
  • God will send you healing in the lives of family members.
  • God will send you prosperity to live a comfortable and fulfilling life.
  • God will send you happiness all days of your life.

Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God.

(Daniel 3:28:)

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What is prophetic prayer? Wed, 01 Apr 2020 10:19:27 +0000 Prophetic prayer is usually described as the act of commanding God’s “prophetic vision” to be fulfilled in the earth, with the result that God’s will is accomplished. Prophetic prayer is taught in some charismatic...

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Prophetic prayer is usually described as the act of commanding God’s “prophetic vision” to be fulfilled in the earth, with the result that God’s will is accomplished.

Prophetic prayer is taught in some charismatic ministries as a means of bringing God’s judgment on the earth and ushering in God’s Kingdom

The practitioners of prophetic prayer believe they are praying the very words of God into the world. This type of prayer is performed by self-styled “prophets” who believe they can deliver messages straight from the throne room of God, thus acting as conduits for God’s Word and making their prayers “prophetic.”

Those who teach prophetic prayer also believe that God uses prophets to provide answers to other people’s prayers.

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You Continue To Teach And Love Me Thank You Sat, 25 May 2013 22:01:43 +0000 Father, Today I want to thank you for the many blessing you have provided in my life, as you know father the past year has been a tough one on my family and I,...

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Today I want to thank you for the many blessing you have provided in my life,
as you know father the past year has been a tough one on my family and I,
even to the point that,
others have called me Jobe.

I know that you are teaching me each and every day with everything that comes up in my life,
good things,
people that come around me and other things that challenge me or the way I live.
All I can say is thank you for loving me so much that you show me the way through adversities and challenges,
and the people that come to me that may be in need.
And as you know I will always try to help them while still I continue to love you and never question you or why,
Father you know I try to help and continue to plant seeds to those who you have enter my life for whatever reason,
if only to plant a seed.
I will always do my best to do your will and help others along the way,
in hopes that one day I may gain my rewards ( which are not on this earth) but live with you in your is my reward.
So Thank you Father for caring so much that you always try to teach me.
I Love you father and know that better days lay ahead as long as I keep talking to you and being taught by you.
thank you for Loving me so much that you continue on a daily basis to teach and Bless me with a thought or a word or a change that guides me through this life,
as you have taught us to by the way you lived while you past through this Earth age.

Author: An old Redneck that love our Lord

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Now I lay me down to sleep variation Sat, 25 May 2013 20:46:12 +0000 Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Author: Tim Chambers

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Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Author: Tim Chambers

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Request your prophecy Mon, 29 Oct 2012 03:31:42 +0000 To request your prophecy please click on this link below: Free Prophecy Things to keep in mind when requesting a prophecy: Please provide a valid email address so we may contact you.

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To request your prophecy please click on this link below:

Free Prophecy

Things to keep in mind when requesting a prophecy:
Please provide a valid email address so we may contact you.

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The Prophetic Gift Mon, 29 Oct 2012 03:21:54 +0000 “But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening,encouragement and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 “Tongues,then,are a sign,not for believers but for unbelievers;prophecy,however,is for believers,not for unbelievers.” 1 Corinthians 14:22 “And the secrets of...

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“But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening,encouragement and comfort.”
1 Corinthians 14:3

“Tongues,then,are a sign,not for believers but for unbelievers;prophecy,however,is for believers,not for unbelievers.” 1 Corinthians 14:22

“And the secrets of his heart will be laid bare.So he will fall down and worship God,exclaiming,”God is really among you!” 1 Corinthians 14:25

“For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone maybe instructed and encouraged.The spirits of the prophets are subject to the control of the prophets.” 1 Corinthians 14:31,32

“But the prophet who prophecies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his prediction comes true.” Jeremiah 28:9

“From the time your forefathers left Egypt until now,day after day,again and again I sent you my servants the prophets.” Jeremiah 7:25

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Free christian personal prophecy Fri, 26 Oct 2012 01:37:59 +0000 Receive a Personal Prophetic Word Via Email by sending your request to All Personal Prophecy is free of charge, However if anyone wishes to make a Love Offering to this Ministry we would be...

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Receive a Personal Prophetic Word Via Email by sending your request to

All Personal Prophecy is free of charge, However if anyone wishes to make a Love Offering to this Ministry we would be blessed. We Believe as you sow in faith according to Mk 11:24 you seed is being taken out of the earth curse system and put into The Kingdom of God wherein is multiplication.

In Christ’s Love: Pastor Jerry
For more information visit

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