Submit Your Prayers

Have a prayer that has always been a favorite of yours? Is there one that has special meaning to you? Or have you composed a prayer of your own that you wish to share?...

Free Prophecy

Did you know a prophetic word can change your destiny? … Please click on the link below and fill out the web form to receive your free Prophecy

Bible prophecy

Bible prophecy or biblical prophecy is typically the prediction of future events based on the action, function, or faculty of a prophet.  Such passages are widely distributed throughout the Bible, but those most often...

Request your prophecy

To request your prophecy please click on this link below: Free Prophecy Things to keep in mind when requesting a prophecy: Please provide a valid email address so we may contact you.

What is Prophetic Ministry?

According to, Prophetic Ministry is a group of people who are called to the office of a prophet all working together answering requests in a number of ways. These ways consist of emailing,...

The Prophetic Gift

“But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening,encouragement and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 “Tongues,then,are a sign,not for believers but for unbelievers;prophecy,however,is for believers,not for unbelievers.” 1 Corinthians 14:22 “And the secrets of...

Free christian personal prophecy

Receive a Personal Prophetic Word Via Email by sending your request to All Personal Prophecy is free of charge, However if anyone wishes to make a Love Offering to this Ministry we would be...

What is a prophetic presbytery?

In this article by the, a Prophetic presbytery generally refers to a group of two or more prophetic elders or ministers who are brought together for the purpose of bringing prophetic revelation, confirmation,...

Free request persponal prophecy

Do you need to recieve a personal prophetic word of counsel? Would you like to speak with a Christian counseling leader by phone?  is a prophetic counseling ministry, a website for prayer, prophecy, and...