Submit Your Prayers

Have a prayer that has always been a favorite of yours? Is there one that has special meaning to you? Or have you composed a prayer of your own that you wish to share?

Fill out the form below and submit it to the site! The Prayer Book webmaster then reviews your submission, and if appropriate, it will be posted on the site for all to view.

It will also be permanently added to the searchable prayer database.

Guidelines for Submitting a Prayer

You may submit a “traditional” prayer that someone else has authored (i.e. the Hail Mary, Prayer of St. Francis, etc.), or you can submit an original work of your own.
If you submit a prayer by another author, please include that author’s name.
If you submit an original work, please make sure it would be suitable for all to see. (nothing pertaining to personal issues, specific people in your life, no political commentary, etc.)
Please remember that this is a prayer for other people to use in their daily lives – please do not submit personal petitions or requests for prayer. Prayer Book Committee reserves the right to not publish any submission deemed unsuitable for use on the website.
